

With BtenTalk, automating your customer service is much easier!

Serving your customers 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, is practically only possible with BtenTalk.

With it you can clarify doubts, help and facilitate appointments, and carry out marketing campaigns via WhatsApp in a much more agile and practical way!

Personalized service via chatbot

BtenTalk can serve your customers all day, even when your service team needs a break.

A 24-hour service can increase your customers’ satisfaction and contribute to your company’s success, as it allows them to have access to a support agent whenever they need it.

Additionally, cost savings and increased efficiency can be achieved through the use of technologies such as BtenTalk, which can handle common queries and route calls to agents when needed.

Personalizing your service is also a great differential for your customer’s satisfaction, internal tools in BtenTalk help you analyze service data that help you understand the needs and preferences of each customer individually, increasing the quality of your service team and customer loyalty.

Be available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

Use the most popular service channels and always be available for your customers.

Increase your engagement and win new customers

Receive your potential customers well with good contact from the first moment and build their loyalty.

Improve your
service metrics

Monitor your new leads and the quality of your service, always be one step ahead of the competition and improve your results.

Bten helps you to:

Meet our customers and what they say about us

"Bten is a platform that has greatly boosted our calls via WhatsApp here at the company. The program is easy and intuitive for both the customer and the collaborating user. In addition, the service support is great, always agile, and ready to come to a solution to any error or doubt. I recommend it to anyone who wants to optimize calls and sales via WhatsApp''
Insted College Commercial Manager
"We're streamlining our scheduling process with the help of artificial intelligence. Since we started using BtenTalk, we've had great results, with a 60 to 70% reduction in the queue for appointments at our clinic."
Maxipas Director

Scale your business without overburdening your team

Use BtenTalk to create sales and reception opportunities for your service team. 

Diversify your marketing strategy and improve your sales efficiency without increasing your company’s headcount

Automate your sales

Collect your prospects’ information correctly through personalized conversations and organize your metrics according yo your needs to segment leads automatically.

Start to using BtenTalk and boost your business!